I decided to start this article with a real-life example. If you know Quora, you know that this is the Statistics dashboard that shows how many people have seen your content. This is in one month only. And this is HUGE! In this article, I will share with you 8 Tips for how to get traffic from Quora using very simple methods that we normally use. You will reach this content view in no time when you follow these tips with me.
Why Quora?
Quora is the number 1 questions and answers website in the world.
Quora is a Q&A platform for people to ask questions for other internet users to answer. The answers are then followed and/or edited, either using facts or opinions.
It is not only a highly ranked question and answer community, it’s one of the top online destinations in the world. It has almost 1 Billion views per month!
This makes it a great place to begin the process of making a site popular and improving rankings and traffic.
How to Get Traffic From Quora?
Now that we have a small idea about what Quora is and the importance of it, it is time to dig deeper. How are we going to get traffic? Very simple. Just answer what people are asking. Through your answers, put the links to your website or to any link you want to drive traffic to.
What you have to do, is answer questions giving people real value. By doing so, people are more likely to go to your website and check what other value you can give them. It is this simple. Trust me, you will get thousands of traffic.
Tips on how to get traffic from Quora!
Tip 1: Question Research
What do we mean by this?
Well, if my niche is about affiliate marketing, I will no go to Quora and answer questions about cooking. Daa!
What you have to do is search for good questions where you can give people the value you are looking for, and drive them to your website.
Let’s take affiliate marketing niche for example. What we do is go to Quora, and type in the search bar, “affiliate marketing”.

You can see, there are dozens of questions about affiliate marketing, with a very high number of followers. Followers are people interested in this question, so they are most likely to see your answer if they are engaging on Quora.
You should just take the time and answer these highly followed questions.
But that does not mean you should leave new questions.
What you should do is always mix between a high number of followers questions and new questions. Moderation is the key (this is what my dietician keeps telling me when I tell her that I ate a full Pizza by myself).

Just filter by time and try to answer new questions so that you have a higher change for your answer to be seen by people.
Tip 2: Create Answer Templates
You might have noticed the related questions on the right when answering a question on Quora.

These are all similar questions that you can give almost the same answer.
So, instead of just going to each question and start typing your answer and adding the images and links, just create a template and give it to similar questions. Make sure to change a little in the answer when adding it. But the idea is simple.
This will make it easier for you to answer more questions in less time.
Tip 3: Questions SEO
Of course, you know about SEO, which is search engine optimisation .
Now back to the point, you are going to ask me, what does ranking on Google has to do with the questions on Quora? You are right!
The trick here is to search for questions ranking on Google. These questions are likely to get organic search from Google and not only from people who are engaged on Quora.
Let’s try this simple example. Open google and type this: What payment gateway does Quora use?

As you can see, the top result on Google is a Quora questions. This question must get a lot of traffic, so it is very helpful to put an answer on it to be seen by people.
Tip 4: Answer Format
The first thing you need to do when answering is to throw a hook. No we are not fishing here! What I mean is that you need to add something that grabs the attention so that people would look to your answer. Check this answer.

You can see, the first thing added is the image. This will grab the reader’s attention so they will get hooked to your answer and continue reading it.
Answering with a text only is dull, it will not attract.
You can create similar images using Canva which is a very nice tool to create similar images.
Not only you must grab your reader’s attention, but your answer should be well written and grammatically correct. This way you will sound more professional and credible. Use Grammarly to help you correct any typo or grammar mistake you add in your answer. It is free, give it a try.
Tip 5: Adding Links
When we are talking about how to get traffic from Quora, of course we will talk about adding links to your answers. After all, we want to add the links to the answer so people can click and go to our website.
But this is not that simple.
If you sign up to Quora and start adding links to every answer you post on Quora, they will ban you directly. This will show that you are a spammer and giving value to the website.
What you need to do is to build your reputation before starting to add links. This is the proper way on how to drive traffic from Quora.
On the first week of your sign-up, try to answer questions without adding any links. Then the week after, try adding a link per every 5 questions you answer. This way you will get recognized that you are really answering and giving value to people. Keep increasing this strategy gradually until you reach a time where you add a link to each answer you do without getting banned.
Another thing, do not, I repeat, DO NOT EVER add affiliate links directly to Quora. You will get directly banned. You have to build a landing page or drive people to your website and not to any affiliate link.
Tip 6: BIO
The key here is to make your profile look professional.
Always add your profile picture!
Type a small BIO about yourself and your work. This way you will present yourself as more professional and trustworthy for others when they look at your profile.
Being professional will sure make people follow you and wait for your answers.
Tip 7: Quora Spaces
On Quora, we have something called spaces. Think about a Facebook page or Facebook group, but on Quora.
Create your own Quora space, or try to get as a contributor to an existing one.
Why is this helpful? As a Facebook page has followers, so does a Quora space.
When you post your article inside the space, all of the people following this space are likely to see it and receive a notification about it. This is very helpful.
We ourselves have a space on Quora, go and follow it now to get more important tips.
Tip 8: Stat Analysis
Last but not least, is to always analyze your stats.
What you can do is to go to your stats, and see which answers are getting the most views and upvotes, and try to search for similar questions and answering them. This will help you know what are the hot topics that people are looking at.
Not only that, you can go the answers that are mostly viewed, and see what is special about it and read the comments. This way you will better plan for future answer templates that you created.
Let’s sum up here the tips that help get traffic from Quora.
- Question Research
- Create Answer Templates
- Question SEO
- Answer Format
- Adding Links
- Professional Bio
- Quora Spaces
- Stats Analysis
Make sure to follow these tips and tricks and you can start seeing the traffic to your site rise in no time.
I will be waiting your comments for any idea or additional trick you want to let me know about.
Don’t forget your feedback.
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